The Turner Prize...? An opportunity to see some of the works by the eccentric and colourful imaginations of various artists - a roller coaster ride for visual stimulation.
Apart from all the weird, whacky, wonderful and well... the not so wonderful, the thing i found most powerful and innovative, was the concept behind the comment room. (The idea was manufactured by A2 graphic designers Henrik Kubel and Scott Williams). This is a place where everyone who goes to the exhibition ends up. You linger, de-brief, comment, swap notes and most importantly leave YOUR own mark.
Let's cut to the point - through this feedback system they have created a way in which to re-invigorate a discussion about art but at a personal, individual and public level. It isn't generated through a collective opinion that has been merged together by newspapers, a mass survey or been infiltrated by wishy washy jargon or anything of this this nature - its simply a simple method of simple honest feedback, that conforms to Nicolas Bourriaud's notion of 'giving back value to the unmediated consumer experience'.
Simplicity again working its magic in many different ways -TAKE NOTE.