This box of cereal had been hidden in the back of the kitchen cupboard for some time, until the other day when i thankfully discovered it. In short it's a purple rectangular box, that serves no other purpose than to hold and stop the cereal inside spilling everywhere. At least that was my immediate reaction when it caught my glance. However, after having examined the box further, it quickly became apparent that there was much more to it, that ought to be given credit and exposed.
Firstly a bit about Dorset Cereals.

Dorset Cereals is a Dorset-based company, producing award-winning premium breakfast cereal since 1986. Under a new entrepreneurial management team since early 2005, plans are now underway to realise the full potential of the business and the brand. A passion for the simple, honest pleasures of life and a commitment to quality and taste lies at the heart of the business. Feedback from consumers is welcomed to help Dorset Cereals develop and improve, providing the tastiest recipes possible.
Uncompromising in the dedication to finding the very best in quality, the ingredients used are sourced from the four corners of the world. For example, the recipes don’t just use raisins, they use Chilean jumbo size 'flame' raisins, which are believed to be the most flavoursome and have become Dorset Cereals’ signature ingredient. The ingredients are then carefully blended and balanced to ensure the right amount of fruits, nuts and seeds for the perfect taste in each recipe. The special blending process keeps the ingredients as whole and with as little ‘dust’ as possible in the pack.

It is quite apparent from this little introduction that a lot of time care and personal passion has gone into making this cereal one of the leading competitors of the market. Obviously there has to be a lot of key preparation and fundamental issues have to be put right, before this product was to take off and really make its statement. They needed to decide from the start what this product was going to be about, what i would say if it could talk and in what tone of voice it would be speaking.

If i was on the board for this products birth, not only would i be full of anticipation and excitement, but i would also be somewhat nervous. My reasoning is simple: this product has got the potential to work very effectively if executed in the right manner, but the more concerning factor, is that if it is not done properly a great chance for success would be thrown awry .
For me there were 4 factors that were crucial to its successful marketing. First and foremost, was the quality of the product. If the product wasn't authentic (especially important with natural foods), then it wouldn't sell, simple as that. You will never get anywhere when trying to market something if you aren't selling a genuine article. Moreover, if you are selling something that boasts it is unique, genuine and different from similar products, then you ought to be exploiting this fact and using it to you advantage.

This is the first tick in the box. When you look at the container from the top, this is one of the first things you are forced to realise through the products meaty and punchy strap-line: 'honest, tasty and real'. The product is already telling you that the contents inside are no-nonsense cereal made from unmodified ingredients. This side of the box is for me the real essence of what the brand is about. The well balanced leafy logo, accompanied by the bold brand name and the hearty strap-line really convey the character of the brand in a modest and up front fashion.
The second factor is the products aesthetic appearance, both in terms of catching its audiences attention and also persuading them that this product is in a different class from its competitors. Imagine walking down a supermarket aisle, this product wouldn't necessarily jump right out at you, as the colour palette isn't blindingly striking, and so it shouldn't be. This product is organic and natural, therefore a its palette ought to reflect this. In this case the cereal flavour is berries and cherries, so what colour would you really use other than a deep red or purple?
The copy is another aesthetic element that adds to the appearance of any packaging design. It can either become a feature, be neatly tucked away or just become a visual eye-saw and conflict with other graphic elements. For 'Dorset Cereals' the copy becomes a definite feature and compliments the overall design. On the front of the container, the copy serves to remove some of the awkward negative space, that would be found underneath the logo and the brand name. Instead, it becomes an informative and well balanced section that conveys the bare but essential facts to its audience.

What does this product say to you? 'False', 'cheap' or maybe 'run of the mill'? I think not. This product is proud, has stature and a dignified voice to go with it. Part of this is owed to its visual appeal and design, and the other part is not. The language and wording used represents the major bulk of the tone of voice of the product. This is the chance for the product to communicate on a personal level - you are the only one reading this, you are the only one who will judge what is being said to you.
When i read all of the spiel, i felt content. I hadn't even tried the product, knew little about it or bought anything. The language is very straight forward, playful and genuine. You feel like you are being spoken to you by the man in the fields that makes this stuff. For this reason, you as the audience already feel subconsciously, that you have made a connection with the product as it becomes more personalised hearing it speak.
Lastly i must draw attention to the transparent panels, that again add another dimension to the container's design. Yeah alright, i have blown the trumpet of this product somewhat and stressed its honest and authentic brand values. But to have this little bit of design genius right on the front of the container, really shows off its design and why shouldn't it. After all this product subtly praises itself for being made from real stuff so why not really convince us all and show us what is inside? Job done, it's in the trolley and off we go!
Designed by Big Fish