In Korea the use of cartoon based symbols is somewhat widespread and common practice. Each and every logo or sign seems to consist of a very simple line drawing each displaying some sort of eccentric little character animating what the business or sign is about.
The industry that has fallen in love with this idea the most, has to be the restaurant business. You would have thought that these very energetic and always large as life characters, are trying to appeal to a younger audience. However, when you look further afield its evident that this is not the case, even the police and building constructors have cottoned on and are being characterised.
Why has Korea taken this lax view towards logo design? Perhaps the world is complicated enough for them, without having to worry about complex and fancy signage. Or maybe is it something they can relate to quickly, easily and understand at a glance? The latter i believe. If only we could convince our society to follow suit, it would make things that bit more interesting and playful, life is already too serious don't you think?
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