I found this work by Lisa Rienermann on the web a couple of days ago when browsing through various sites and it immediately instilled in me some curiosity. What really appealed to me was the combination of where photography and typography intersect. When you think of these two disciplines being combined, i am fairly sure the large majority would think of letters being photographed, but Lisa Rienermann's perception was sightly different. For her project, 'Type the Sky', she didn’t take photos of letters, but rather she looked up (for weeks on end) and captured the letters formed by the spaces between buildings.

“It began with the Q “.
"I was in a courtyard in Barcelona, looked upward and saw houses, the blue sky and clouds. With the longer i looked, the area from the houses above formed the letter 'Q'." Once Lisa had found the letter 'Q' she thought to herself that she would be able to find the rest of the letters, given that they are relatively simple in their construction. Hence the project 'Type The Sky' was born. After weeks of hunting around and a lot of neck ache, she managed to find all the letters of the alphabet with just a very miniscule amount of help from Photoshop.

Once she had accumulated all the letters she decided to create a published book showing off all her work and findings. Although i haven't had the chance to look through the book myself, i can imagine that some of the images appear very abstract in their form and are a great inspiration for any typographer/designer.

All in all, a great way of interpreting letter forms so that not only do they become of typographical interest, but also of photographic and visual stimulus.

You really have to admire the patience and time it must have took to achieve each letter. But it really pays off as every letter is clearly distinguishable, and they form a very unique typeface.
These are lovely. The amount of time wandering around looking up for these letterforms! i wonder how many people she bumped into whilst doing so!!well worth it though!
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